Travel is back, and so do news reports and earnings calls from corporate companies from this summer’s 2021 Summer. There are some caveats, and they account for a significant portion of the industry’s revenue. International travel remains awaited for an improved situation with the pandemic and less imposing borders. Corporate travel is less than 50% of vaccine spending and has a more ambiguous outlook than leisure and travel.
COVID-19 remains in our system, and its elimination is unlikely. However, officials and big organizations are easing away from certain restrictions and rules imposed before the outbreak. Hawaii stopped its mask requirement on March 26, the last state to implement it. Schools across the United States have also moved away from using masks. 1 In the coming summer and spring, many large corporations will implement the return-to-office policies they delayed until the autumn of 2021. The increase in travel is likely to coincide with this shift towards office work.
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In the remaining 2022, travel by corporate employees will be able to grow substantially from its present base. Teams meetings that were postponed several times will be finally able to happen. Conferences will be shifting to physical meetings instead of online, and those that have already had attendance will surely increase. Even international travel should increase dramatically, but certain regions will be more resilient than others.
Much uncertainty remains over the travel sector, from the repercussions of the conflict in Ukraine and the potential of China opening its borders to the rise of new COVID-19-related variants. The emergence of a significant event in one of these areas could impede or accelerate the Return of corporate travel. In the same way, the changing shape and dimensions can be more clearly seen than it was a year ago when Deloitte published its first comprehensive look at the recovery of corporate travel, Return to a new world. 2. As health-related concerns are lessened, companies will seek to preserve some of the savings and green methods they have benefited from after two years of highly restricted travel. The Return of corporate travel has already begun. However, the conferencing technology that has replaced nearly the entirety of it in the early 2020s will be replaced by certain aspects of it in the foreseeable future.
As we look around to see what the future of corporate travel will look like when the world transitions from acute health crises to living with COVID-19, an endemic disease, There is a strong indication that expansion and transformation are in store.
This report draws upon an investigation of 150 travel managers, executives holding different titles, and those overseeing travel budgets conducted from February 10 through February 18, 2022. Executive experience is the basis for making predictions regarding the growth in business travel as well as the future of it.
Principal Findings
- Corporate travel didn’t meet the expectations of many companies in the second quarter of 2021. One-third of travel executives surveyed in June 2021 anticipated achieving half of the 2019 spending levels in the final quarter of the calendar year. Just 8% reached this threshold, mainly because the delta and omicron variations make plans more difficult.
- COVID-19 variants held back the recovery process; their effects could last a lifetime. A majority of businesses say that outbreaks and variants during this second quarter of 2021 have caused the delay of their timetables. Another 15% believe they were forced to rethink the nature of their travel policy.
- Corporate travel is expected to see an average but not a raging increase this year. The forecast for spending is 36% of the levels of 2019 in the 2nd quarter of 2022 and 55 percent by the end of the year. Business travel is two years away from achieving pre pandemic expenditure, and specific usage scenarios are predicted to result in fewer trips in the long run.
- Health risks directly driven by pandemic issues still hinder corporate travel but cause less concern than in 2021. However, rising travel costs continue to be a source of problems.
- When international travel resumes, Europe will bounce back most strongly for trips from the United States in 2022. Four out of four respondents predict frequent travel to Europe to close to or even exceed pandemic levels in the coming year. Asia and Latin America follow recovery plans, but they still need to catch up.
- Events and conferences face another year of challenges, but they will see increased attendance. Live events climbed three spots in the list of triggers that bring more people to travel, making it into the top five. Travel managers also consider content delivery more dependent on interaction with people in person rather than as easily replaceable by technology as they did in 2021.
- Two years of economic decline and a prolonged labor shortage resulted in hotels cutting down on amenities and services. When travel is back in full swing, some businesses change their meeting contracts to ensure they have the desirable amenities in the wake of these cuts to services.
- Alternative options for lodging, like private rentals, are making their way into corporate travel but are still in the early stages. One in 10 businesses use nontraditional lodging options within their reservation tools. However, half of the surveyed companies don’t reimburse employees for nonhotel accommodations.
- Sustainability, which is still a top important issue, could impact future spending on corporate travel. 3 out of 10 companies expect sustainability to result in an 11% to 25% reduction in their travel budgets in 2025.
- A quarter of businesses say that having more employees working at home (WFH) implies more excellent trips back to the headquarters. But having more WFH means less travel in general. Companies that will be dominated by the office by the end of Q2 2022 are two times more likely to see spending on travel hit levels in 2019 by the close of 2023 than those that are WFH-dominant.
Regaining the climb to the top: Expectations for travel by corporate executives and projections
The first year of the COVID-19 pandemic slowed corporate travel expenditures. From April 2020 to the beginning of 2021, COVID-19 stopped every other type of travel. When Deloitte launched its first survey on corporate trips in June 2021, travel spending was about 10% of pandemic levels. However, a recovery was seen to be right across the horizon. Vaccines were readily accessible in the United States for a few months, and many companies were planning to return employees to their offices in the autumn.
The delta variant was identified as a concern the following month, and several large companies were forced to push back on their plans. The omicron variant was a follow-up to delta and caused further disturbance. Corporate travel expenditure increased in both the fourth and third quarters of 2021 but at a different level than managers had anticipated. When polled in June 2021, the survey revealed that 34% of corporate travel managers predicted they would achieve half of their 2019 travel expenditure at 2021’s end. But only 8% did (figure 1.).
The travel managers also lowered their expectations of recovery by 2022. Only 17% of respondents expect an all-inclusive recovery at the end of 2022, while over half of respondents to the survey in 2021. The experiences with Delta and Omicron variants contribute to this less optimistic forecast. Nearly two-thirds of respondents said the emergence of new strains and outbreaks from the summer of 2021 forced them to alter their travel dates. Seven percent of respondents said they had to rethink their travel plans (figure 2.).
Corporate travel executives are still watching the development of the pandemic and related regulations; however, their focus shifts from the illness to the end-to-end results. Low infection rates that are sustained remain the most critical factor, which will lead to an increase in travel, and the inability to enforce restrictions on travel is the most significant obstacle to traveling (figure 3.). However, the importance of the drag factors has changed. The concern about restrictions, employees’ willingness to travel, and on-site events have significantly decreased. While they have fallen, worries about rising costs for travel have increased between 2021 and 2022, suggesting it is a longer-term problem.
COVID-19 is disappearing as a significant daily issue. Return to work is expected to grow in the spring. This will make requesting employees to travel simpler and more convenient for in-person meetings. With no worries or concerns about variants, the spring 2022 event calendar of live events for the industry will likely result in more attendees than in fall 2021. However, travel for corporate events is likely to stay away from pandemic rates in the coming year. Or achieve that level in 2023 (figure 4).).
The omicron variant made the brakes on plans for 2022. The second quarter is likely to significantly increase travel expenditure, bringing it to over one-third of 2019’s levels. Steady growth in corporate travel that is transient, and also events-driven travel are expected to continue all through the course of. Travel barriers to international travel will ease, but uncertainties about regulations and fears about a possible snafu with an overseas destination will restrict travel between countries by 2022.
The year 2023 will see Deloitte estimates continued but decreasing increases in corporate travel expenditure. In addition to the myriad of uncertainties regarding traveling internationally, in 2023, businesses are expected to begin settling into their post-pandemic travel routines. People who lead know that in-person interactions can be essential for growth and innovation. We are delighted to see employees spending more in-person time with clients and one another. The pandemic has shown technology’s efficacy in substituting a large amount of travel, thereby saving businesses money while minimizing the damage business travel causes on the earth.
Sluggish and selective The Return of international travel
International travel has more obstacles than domestic travel, particularly for business trips. The risk of COVID-19 spores and the stringent or unpredictability of entry/exit rules has made travel to most regions unpractical over the past two years. The possibility of last-minute meeting cancellations or staying outside the country further increases the difficulties of reviving international business travel. Governments, including those in the United States and Europe, have seen restrictions reduced significantly in 3rd quarter of 2021. As of the publication date, the test was negative, and COVID-19 was still required to gain entry into America. United States, and requirements for most countries still need to be determined.
Of those surveyed in the study, international travel was responsible for the majority of spending in 2019. The expectations for its Return are cautious for 2022. A majority of international travel that will be made involves an international flight. Europe is the most popular destination for US-based travelers, with more than four companies stating that frequency will exceed or be near pandemic levels (figure 5.). More than half (54 percent) anticipate that travel will return but below pandemic levels. Asia, as well as Latin America, follow in recovery plans but are way further behind Europe. More than half of businesses with reasons to travel to Africa and the Middle East or Oceania anticipate no or little travel to these regions by 2022.